I've never made hot cross buns, so when I saw these Earl Grey and Orange ones on the cover of Waitrose magazine I really wanted to give them a try.
The ingredients list was extensive, but didn't contain anything I didn't have (except Apricot Jam which I got from my Mother-in-law's jam store https://www.facebook.com/pages/Highgate-Farm-Rosemarys-Preserves-Beef-Apple-Juice/129697147075023).
So I got all the ingredients together...
...and made a start. I made the tea in a teapot, and when I'd poured out the 160ml for the recipe I drank the rest, bonus!
The tea, sugar, flour mix developed well (the baby woke earlier than anticipated from her nap), so it did stand a bit longer!
This recipe says "40 mins prep +proving time"; well I should've heeded that warning... You leave the liquor 15 mins, the dough one hour, and the finished rolls another half an hour. That's 1hr 45 proving with the 40 minutes prep interspersed. Basically you can't hurry this! Luckily I had a rainy afternoon at home with a baby to feed and entertain in the gaps! Including cooking I've been making these buns all afternoon (about 3hrs)!
It was hard work but I'm pretty pleased with the end result, though I was hurrying my crosses (which is silly as that's the presentation bit) as I needed to start thinking about our dinner.
They were looking good before going in the oven:
They looked even better when they came out and had been glazed....
They tasted really good! Yummmmmy probably not AS orangey as they could but then I used satsumas rather than full size oranges.
Were they worth the effort? Yes, though I can't imagine having the time to spend 3hrs baking hot cross buns very often! Good to know I can do it though!