Saturday, 23 May 2015

Breadstick ideas

IMy one year old LOVES bread. It's probably not the best food she could be eating, but I can at least try to make it as healthy as I can. I tend to use a mix of white and wholemeal flour (babies aren't supposed to have too much fibre) and I don't add salt. For her birthday recently I made three "different" things with one lot of bread dough. The start mix was dairy free (olive oil instead of butter in this recipe).

I made "dairy-free bread stars" (rolled dough out and used star cutter), they rose beautifully like mini pointy dough balls, no photo though - oops!

I made "cheesy bread men", adding cheese to the mix and rolling out then using a man cutter and sticking the feet and hands together like a paper chain. 

Then used the cheesy bread dough and some homemade pasta/pizza sauce to make mini pizzas.. 

These all froze and defrosted really well! 


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